Global Business for Ukraine is the association of international and global companies, of people who want to support Ukraine, its businesses and its economy. People and companies, who believe in Ukraine, its future prosperity, its innovation power and the sustainability of its new economy — based on democratic values. People and companies, who want to become a part of Ukraine’s private sector economy and invest in a European country with a great potential.
This is a multi-industrial organization. Companies around the world of all sizes and various sectors of the economy can become a part of the GB4U. Ukrainian as well — to extend their business abroad or strengthen their positions in foreign markets.
Hence, we welcome businesses to join the GB4U association, a like-minded community, to stay united around Ukraine and have a comprehensive overview of business opportunities in the country.

The idea of creating an international business development association was born during the World Economic Forum 2022 in Davos and then took shape at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano.
The European Business Association (EBA) in Ukraine is the source of inspiration, a great supporter and a reliable partner of the GB4U. The EBA is the biggest and most influential international business community in Ukraine. It exists for 25 years and unites approx. 1’000 companies with over 2 million employees.
We are inspired to continue building a strong global business community for Ukraine by:

business around Ukraine

Ukraine all over Europe and beyond

relations with foreign governments, business associations and international organisations

trade and economic ties between the democratic countries

awareness about the existing opportunities

on doing business in Ukraine and facilitating potential investors in Ukraine
GB4U offers you two different valuable membership packages to connect you with Ukraine’s fascinating economy
This membership pack works as a two-way street and facilitates the development of the business network and partnership in Ukraine and abroad across targeted countries where GB4U has its roots.
GB4U is your highway to the reconstruction of Ukraine. Get direct access to the most sought-after leaders and tools you need to make the right decision on investments or further development

If your company works in Ukraine, has global goals, and needs a local base - GB4U will accelerate your pace. Explore more about the GB4U OpenEU4U membership pack or contact us via join@gb4u.org and we will brief you on this.

Upcoming Events
- Thu, Apr 10Brussels
Sweden and Finland GB4U Chapter
Members' News

Ukraine is going through very difficult times. However, we see enormous support from the international community, and in return we want to show the vast variety of business opportunities that Ukraine has to offer to the world:
Rich and diverse soil
Europe’s largest area of cultivable land
Technologies and creativity
offering a highly digitized working environment
World-known agriculture
Ukraine can bring more food safety to the world
Cutting edge IT industry
with 20-25% of annual growth
Diverse logistics infrastructure
transportation by the sea and the rivers, by railways and highways
Board of Directors
Our Team
Honorary Members

Stay with Ukraine! Invest in Ukraine!
Contact information:
Email: office@gb4u.org
Cell phone:
+38 098 407 06 65
+38 067 248 22 28
Gotthardstrasse 26, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
© 2025