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Ukrainian Businesses Show Strong Commitment to EU Accession: Insights from a Meeting with Vice Prime Minister Olga Stefanishyna

On September 11, Anna Derevyanko, the EBA Executive Director and GB4U Co-Founder, participated in a meeting with Olga Stefanishyna, the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine – Minister of Justice of Ukraine. The meeting involved large business associations, who discussed with Ms. Stefanishyna’s team the involvement of businesses in shaping Ukraine’s negotiating position for EU accession.

According to our surveys, 83% of Association member companies are ready to contribute to forming this negotiating position. Additionally, 44% rate their business’s awareness of EU rules and requirements highly. Therefore, the Association’s experts are prepared to participate in this process, offering expertise and communication support. During the meeting, Anna Derevyanko expressed support for the proposed concept of business engagement. The Association already has relevant sectoral groups – committees that align with many of the negotiating teams’ topics. Our experts are already involved in working on EU integration-related legislation in these sectors and understand the priority of the EU integration process.

We hope this meeting will initiate systematic and practical cooperation and coordinate business associations to develop a strong position and protect business interests.


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